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Wood Grain Decorative Finishes

RAL Colors(Standard)

Powder Coating vs. Lamination

With powder coating, your imagination is your only limit. Decorative powder coating offers a plethora of designs and uses, while offering lower costs, higher efficiency and quality end products. In comparison, standard lamination is extremely limited in its use and end product finish.
Powder coating production lines produce less waste than the lamination process.
Powder coating production is more automated and less labour intensive.
Whereas lamination is only for interior purposes, powder coating has no limit in regards to its use being interior or exterior.
Unlike laminated products that chip/peel easily, powder coated surfaces are thoroughly covered. Furthermore, powder coatings are scratch resistant and can sustain exposure to harsh chemicals.
Powder coating is extremely durable and resistant to humidity and UV rays. While lamination cannot sustain humidity, powder coating can be applied to exterior furniture, awnings, etc.
Unlike lamination that always has corner seams, powder coating is seamless -even around sharp corners.
Powder Coating offers an unlimited range of colours, textures and specialty effects, otherwise impossible to achieve with lamination.

ASA (Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) material has great toughness and rigidity, good chemical resistance and thermal stability, outstanding resistance to weather, aging and yellowing, and high gloss.

Deep wood Color and texture without lamination film or foil.
Adhesive Free surface by using co-extrusion.
Embossed surface gives luxurious exterior effect.
Does not exfoliate and has strong durability to scratch due to dual extrusion technology.
Enhanced weather-ability and anti scratch.
Color Pattern Line-Up.